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Tuesday, June 25, 2019

What We Have Been Learning

What we have been learning

At school, for inquiry we have been doing work on careers, and learning stuff about careers we might pursue in the future, we also presented it to the year 6's,This is my work  also, we have been learning about our strengths, and what makes us different.

For my careers, I choose a baker, Click here to find out more.. and my strengths are that I am relating,achieving and caring. 

For my career, I used my strengths,by achieving, and asking questions about my career.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

My Minecraft Dream Whare...


A couple of days ago me and Holly, and a few others got picked to do a Minecraft Challenge Day
we we're told to design our dream house/whare. This is a photo of the outside and a photo taken of the kitchen. 

We ended up changing the outside of our house including it with a pond, roller coaster and out the back we made a tree stump to give it more "depth" and detail, there is now a book case at the front of the whare it was very fun.  I really enjoyed it we had to make a few changes, due to either feedback, or to make the house aesthetically pleasing, or because of features that didn't work, like the panda habitat.

Family Focus

Family Focus

Today I read an article about migrants,the main reason for the shift to the other side of the world was Fabios job six months later his children and his wife moved here.

Fabio says that among his biggest fears about the shift was experiencing weeks of delays and frustration with setting up accounts. The good things were the preschool education,they helped his wife rewrite her CV in New Zealand style, and providing the family with a nice view.

If I was to move to another country, I would probably choose china the good things about the move would be that I can speak mandarin and also that, it looks like a nice place to live, the negative things to go there would be transferring all the money into yen and finding my way around.