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Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Career Work

Over the last few weeks we have been learning all about jobs and careers.
Just yesterday we took a test to see possible jobs for the future.
Here is my narrowed down group of 5,
i originally had 23, but i picked some key ones i would enjoy

1. Animal Care Attendant

2. Signmaker

3. Dog Trainer

4. Artist

5. Animator/Digital Artist

Monday, May 6, 2019

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Reflection On Rotations

Today at school we did a rotation workshop. In the morning, we wrote our names on a sheet, we got to choose out of A, B and C. me, and my friends all choose to go in B.

The first workshop we went to was with Nogo, we learnt some Te Reo and later on we are going to learn another language.

Then with Julie we went to the other workshop were we learnt about acting and played acting games.

With Sharon we watched a movie, but every time somebody said my we wrote down the word after my. I got 15.